
Zemania, mešťania a slobodníci v Dolnom Kubíne a ich podiel na správe stoličného mestečka v rokoch 1684-1870

Maťugová, Soňa

In the introduction, the author deals with the development of the status of Dolný Kubín (Alsó-Kubin, Alschó-Kubin) and how it obtained town privileges. The conflicts regarding the issues of an economic nature, such as the payment of taxes or the participation in public community works, arose between the freemen and burghers. Finally, the author provides a list of noble families that resided in Dolný Kubín with brief information on them.

Spory mesta Trenčína so šľachticmi

Bernátová, Viera

The author of the study analyses the conflicts between the nobility that resided in Trenčín (Trencsén, Trentschin) castle and the burghers living in the town of Trenčín. The conflicts were mainly based on economic issues such as the census, town tolls and fishing fees. Those had to be discussed and approved by the highest authorities – the royal council – or by the royal court. Despite all the problems, the conflicts were not insurmountable and thus the nobility cooperated with the town over certain issues.

Šľachta v malokarpatských mestách v ranom novoveku (16.-18. storočie)

Duchoň, Michal

The study deals with the issue of the presence of nobles in three towns – Modra (Modor, Modern, Modorinum), Pezinok (Bazin, Bösing, Bazinium) Svätý Jur (Szentgyörgy, Sankt Georgen, Sanctus Georgius) – located under the slopes of the Little Carpathians mountain range. The author studies the motivations that caused the members of the middle and lower Hungarian nobility settle down in towns, as well as the reactions of the town and municipality to this trend.

Šľachta v mestách - prirodzený proces alebo negatívny jav?

H. Németh, István

The text deals with the coexistence of two social classes with different social and legal status – the nobility and burghers within the context of the early medieval towns in the Kingdom of Hungary. The author analyses both members of nobility that settled in towns and burghers who became members of the nobility. At the same time, the author highlights the more complex and structured social and legal differentiation of noble representatives who lived in towns.

Slovo na úvod

Segeš, Vladimír

In the article author introduces the research agenda and activities of the Section for Urban History of the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Section provides a platform for Slovak historians in field of urban history. Its main purpose is to organize scientific conferences about social, economic, political processes and the cultural life in towns and cities in the past. The author presents a brief summary of scholarly activities undertaken by the Section.

Systém príbuzenských vzťahov latinských kupcov Ostrihome a Stoličnom Belehrade v 13. - 14. storočí

Zsoldos, Attila

During the Middle Ages, Esztergom and Székesfehérvár used to be the centers of "Italian" (Latin) population of Hungary. Analyzing proprietary relationship of the palace in Esztergom, the author describes kinships of the "Italian" merchants. This story brings out lot of valuable information about the Székesfehérvár townspeople, for example about women and their role in the property affairs. On the background of economic relationship we have the opportunity to have a look at marriage customs of the townspeople.

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