
Ako Svätopluk svoju zem za bieleho koňa predal... Vzájomné obrazy Slovákov a Maďarov v slovenských a maďarských dejepisných učebniciach vydávaných v rokoch 1918 až 1989

Otčenášová, Slávka

This article deals with the mutual images and stereotypes of Slovaks and Hungarians presented in Czechoslovak, Slovak and Hungarian history textbooks published between 1918 – 1989. The textbooks employed the same principles while creating the image of the Self and the Other. In all cases the authors of the textbooks opted for creating a positive image of their own nation by employing images of its cultural and moral superiority, while the Others were characterized as immoral traitors on a lower degree of civilisational development.

"Duch mlčí, len surové mäso vyvádza". Protižidovské stereotypy v ideológii Svetozára Hurbana-Vajanského

Szabó, Miloslav

The study deals with the emotional history of Slovak antisemitism in the late 19th century. Inspired by the theory of Sander L. Gilman, it examines the role of the stereotypes of "race", sexuality and disease in the political thought of Svetozár Hurban-Vajanský who was the most influential Slovak ideologue in the 1880s and 1890s. The detailed analysis shows the impact of "race", sexuality and disease on Vajanský's perception of the nation-building processes in East Central Europe and their failure, respectivelly.

Etnické stereotypy v období nacionalizmu: problémy a výzvy

Dudeková, Gabriela

The article represents the introduction to a revue issue which is devoted to the question of ethnic stereotypes research. The author defines stereotypes as simplified mental images and representations of the world, describes their basic functions, including their cognitive, psychological and socializing functions, and their importance in forming and strengthening a group identity of an individual.

Historický výskum národných hnutí a koncept socialistického patriotizmu v Československu, Maďarsku a stredo-východnej Európe v rokoch 1956 - 1970

Kopeček, Michal

The central axis of the essay represents the tricky relationship between the politically promoted and ideologically driven concept of ‘socialist patriotism' and the Marxist historical studies of nation-building in East- Central Europe. It starts with a short overview of the ambiguous relationship of radical socialist movements and communist parties in the region to national or nationality question until the end of WWII that foreshadowed the even more complicated development during the communist parties‘ dictatorial rule.

"Zelené kádry" jako radikální alternativa pro venkov na západním Slovensku a ve středovýchodní Evropě 1917 - 1920

Beneš, Jakub

This article explores the phenomenon of the ‘Green Cadres' at the end of the First World War in Austria-Hungary, with a focus on events in western Slovakia 1918-1920. The Green Cadres were bands of army deserters and radicalized peasants who hid in the forests and mountains of the monarchy during the last year of the war and then violently attempted to topple the social-political order in many localities as the state collapsed.


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