
"The spirit is silent, only the raw flesh disports…": Anti-Jewish Stereotypes in the Ideology of Svetozár Hurban-Vajanský

Szabó, Miloslav

The study deals with the emotional history of Slovak antisemitism in the late 19th century. Inspired by the theory of Sander L. Gilman, it examines the role of the stereotypes of "race", sexuality and disease in the political thought of Svetozár Hurban-Vajanský who was the most influential Slovak ideologue in the 1880s and 1890s. The detailed analysis shows the impact of "race", sexuality and disease on Vajanský's perception of the nation-building processes in East Central Europe and their failure, respectivelly.

Minority Stereotypes: The Image of Czechs and Slovaks in the Works of Hungarian Intelligentsia in Slovakia during the Interwar Period

Simon, Attila

The author deals with the image of Czechs and Slovaks in the works of Hungarian intelligentsia from Slovakia in the interwar period. He analyzes the studies and essays of seven significant representatives of Hungarian minority in Slovakia. They belonged to the members of the second generation of Hungarians in Slovakia who were born before the establishment of Czechoslovakia, however, they received their education in Czechoslovakia.

"Where there is a Hungarian woman there is anger; where there is a German woman there is falseness; where there is a Gipsy woman there is theft…": Creating Stereotypes of "Others" in Slovak Travel and Ethnographic Literature of the 19th Century

Molda, Rastislav

The aim of the study is the analysis of the stereotypes of Hungarians, Jews, Germans and Romanies that are portrayed in the Slovak literature of the 19th century. The primary sources of the text analysis are travel and ethnographic works published as separate titles as well as the articles issued in the periodical press. Some of the mentioned literary pieces were due to limited publishing and financial possibilities published only in student's manuscript magazines and humorous magazines.

The Culture of Charity in the Political Elite of 15th and 16th Centuries in Sopron: Unity in Diversity?

Goda, Károly

As an ultimate purpose this study characterizes in the context of the Western Hungarian free royal town of Sopron (in German Ödenburg) the charitable testamentary acts of the members of the local, dominantly German, yet to some extent Hungarian, urban political elite (mayors and town judges) and of their spouses between 1400 and 1600.

Propaganda in the Slovak - Hungarian Relationship 1938 - 1945

Hetényi, Martin

Both regimes, Hungarian and also Slovak produced in years 1938-1945 huge propaganda campaigns. Main protagonists were state authorities. They were also creators of detail ideas of the matter, whether truthful or deceitful. Opinions of population of Slovak-Hungarian border-line were strongly affected by the fact that they were neighbouring with the country honoured as their home land. Hungarian propaganda helped to consolidate that Hungary is close not as a zone but also spiritually. The processs happened on the other side too and it caused intensive propaganda´s fights.

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