Domestic Causes of the Fall of the Parliamentary Democracy and the Collapse of the Civic Society in Slovakia after October 6, 1938

K vnútropolitickým zdrojom pádu parlamentnej demokracie a rozkladu občianskej spoločnosti na Slovensku po 6. októbri 1938

The study tries to show common Czechoslovak reasons for crisis of the democratic regime after the Munich agreement on September 30, 1938 as well as some Slovak specifics in this matter. As for the Slovak specifics, one can see them in an dominant position of Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party, an Catholic-conservative party with a tendency to authoritative stile of a government a long time before Munich, a weak position of the former dominant Czechoslovak parties (first of all Agrarians and Social Democrats) and a state of Slovak society in after-Munich time. The Slovak society was afraid of territory ambitions of Hungary and Poland and, on the other side, a great part of the Slovak society was content with political autonomy in the frame of Czechoslovakia, what was connected with the Slovak People´s Party. A role in the new situation played also a mentality of the mostly rural Slovak society with weak developed civic structures and with greater dependence on state authorities as well as shortcomings of the inter-war Czechoslovak parliamentary democracy with some of its „bad examples".