
Pro salute anime. Holy Mass and salvation of the nobility in late medieval Hungary

Fedeles, Tamás

The people of the Medieval era strived to ensure salvation for themselves, their ancestors and their descendants in any way their social and financial status permitted. One possible means to this end was available through Mass-endowments. The current study is based on an analysis of 85 Mass-endowments from 34 Hungarian aristocratic families (1406 – 1531). Besides barons, family members—and particularly their widows and descendants—are covered in the scope of this research.

Funerals and funeral ceremonies of the Hungarian nobility in the Late Middle Ages

Homoľa, Tomáš

Funeral ceremonies of the Hungarian nobility in the late medieval Kingdom of Hungary are the central focus of this study. Due to the relative lack of reports preserved from the Hungarian environment, the current paper is centred on three specific noble funerals that took place in late medieval Hungary. The funeral ceremonies of John Pongrác of Dengeleg, Ulrich of Cilli and Hedwig of Cieszyn were duly reported by contemporary authors and therefore comprise the knowledge base for this text.

For salvation of the soul: Rituals before and after death in the Middle Ages (An introduction)

Hlavačková, Miriam
Lysá, Žofia

The question of death is essential at the level of individuals as well as society, from primitive tribes to high theology, ethics or philosophy. The Latin name for death—exitus letalis (natural departure)—implicitly suggests that death in our culture does not mean a definitive end but a mere “departure.” Based on the funeral rituals and myths found in nearly all cultures, almost none considered death to be a definitive end. What part of us departs, to where, in what way? What transcends our death?

Uhorská trestnoprávna dogmatika v dobe osvietenstva – pohľad na evolučné zmeny trestného práva hmotného v diele Štefana Husztyho

Švecová, Adriana

The developing science of criminal law in the Early Modern period in the Kingdom of Hungary, like elsewhere in Europe, produced few synthesizing works and manuals dedicated to the amendment of substantive and procedural criminal law of the time and its theoretical-dogmatic basis. All the while, Beccarian ideas of modernizing the science of criminal law resounded throughout Europe.

Slováci a Maďari: Tisícročné manželstvo

Slováci a Maďari žijú vedľa seba dlhé storočia. Vyše tisíc rokov obývali spoločné Uhorské kráľovstvo. Od konca prvej svetovej vojny žijú ako susedia v rôznych štátoch, ktoré oddelila novovzniknutá štátna hranica. V multietnickom Uhorsku popri Slovákoch a Maďaroch žili Nemci, Rumuni, Rusíni, Židia, Chorváti a Srbi. Spoločne zažívali veľké udalosti stredovekých aj novovekých dejín. Uhorských kráľov i Habsburgovcov, turecké nebezpečenstvo, protihabsburgské povstania či osvietenské reformy. V 19. storočí sa Uhorsko menilo na moderný štát.

Panovníci, biskupi, veľmoži a ľud. Zhromaždenia v historickom porovnaní mojmírovskej Moravy a arpádovského Uhorska

Lysý, Miroslav

The article examines the beginnings of people’s assemblies in the territory of present-day Slovakia. It consists of two parts. While the first one is concerned with the period of the Mojmírid dynasty (the 9th century), the second one deals with the period of the Arpadian dynasty until the 12th century. For both periods, it is typical that assemblies were termed variously, for example as “all the Moravians”, congregatio, consilium, etc. They were mostly juridical bodies for solving conflicts between individuals, but they also functioned as electoral or consultative bodies.

Verní a neverní kráľovi

Herucová, Angelika
Hudáček, Pavol

In the Middle Ages a good relationship between the ruler and his people was built on loyalty (fidelitas). Loyalty to the king was also very important for the political order and preservation of the power of the ruler as well as his people (magnates, mounted warriors, bishops, abbots and provosts). The oath of personal fidelity, devotion and loyalty was a part of the ritual in strengthening the relationship between the lord and his man. In Medieval Latin the words fides and fidelitas had originally a religious meaning – believer, a Christian, and Faith.

Úradníci, statkári, familiári. Stoličná šľachta v západnom Zadunajsku na prelome 16. a 17. storočia

Dominkovits, Péter

Counties in the early modern Hungarian kingdom despite of their particularities fulfilled much the same functions. However, research had shown that there were some counties that functioned on different principles, such as the special counties occupied by the Ottomans.

Baróni a magnáti v Uhorskom kráľovstve v 16. storočí

Pálffy, Géza

After the battle of Mohács, political elite of the Hungarian kingdom was apart from the prelates formed predominantly by aristocracy. They were represented by about fifty families who in the middle of the century owned 45-50 % of the country's land. Their members would hold the highest administrative and military offices, occupy prominent positions at the Diet, become leaders of the Estates Confederated against the Habsburgs, controll majority of the comes posts in the counties and with the help of their familiares practically govern the whole regions.


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