
Občan a politik - zrod politika

Hosťom diskusnej relácie bol Matej Hanula. Premiéra 13.2.2020

Právne nástroje novej moci. Politické perzekúcie na Slovensku 1938 – 1939

Zavacká, Katarína

The study analyses the legislative tools used to liquidate the democratic regime in Slovakia from the autumn of 1938, when it was proclaimed to be politically autonomous. The new autonomous government made use of the existing judicial tools, namely those related to military mobilisation, and set about the rapid preparation of its own regulations.

Politické funkcie a lojality ako zdroj nekriminálnej korupcie v demokracii a diktatúre

Zemko, Milan

The author sees an uncriminal corruption as an acquiring of property and various privileges and benefits according to applicable laws and rules on the basis of political posts and loyalties. He analyzes its symptoms in the interwar democratic Czechoslovak Republik and in the autoritarian wartime Slovak Republic with its growing tendency to the totalitarian regime.

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